All of our activities are online.
Sunday Evening Scripture post.
Wednesday Prayer meeting: Once a month prayer meeting.
Evangelism Saturday: Once a month where we share the word and assist the less privileged in our society.
Please see the January 1, 2021 blog post for information on our activities.
Christian Matters Blogspot and The Loving God Blogspot. We are currently focused on the Loving God Blogs.
These are blogs that encourage Christian living.
Monthly Activities
Wednesday Prayer meeting: Once a month prayer meeting is conducted on First Wednesday night of every month via zoom. Prayer topics are submitted by members on Sunday following the first Wednesday. Members will receive the Zoom links for the prayer meeting.
Evangelism Saturday: Once a month on the last Saturday of the month, we encourage members to evangelize the world by sharing the word of God and assist the less privileged in our society. Members will be encouraged to share the word on that day anywhere they are. They will reach out to at least one person via phone, zoom, WhatsApp, text, email, in person talking about the gospel of Salvation of our Lord Jesus. This process is documented and, please see the January 1, 2021 blog post for information on our activities.